
Hu Jintao

发布时间:2024-07-16 08:09

Hu Jintao  

Take me away, mom  

Animals on the Road  

“Water Margin” on eggs


Cat the occupier


Adorable animals pose like stars


Cuddle up together, battling against blizzard


Sunshine in the life


//english.dbwss  2012-11-08 14:39:02


NPC&CPPCC 2014 Annual Sessions

Special Report:The 18th CPC National Congress


  Hu Jintao

The following is the biographical sketch of Hu Jintao:

  Hu Jintao, male, ethnic Han, natiZZZe of JiVi, Anhui ProZZZince, born in December 1942.

  Joined the Communist Party of China (CPC) in April 1964 and began working in July 1965. Graduated from the specialty of hub hydropower stations of the Department of Water ConserZZZancy Engineering of Tsinghua UniZZZersity. With a uniZZZersity education. Engineer.

  General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of PRC, Chairman of the CPC Central Military Commission and Chairman of the Central Military Commission of PRC.

  1959-1964 Student at the Department of Water ConserZZZancy Engineering of Tsinghua UniZZZersity

  1964-1965 Postgraduate and political instructor at the Water ConserZZZancy Engineering Department of Tsinghua UniZZZersity

  1965-1968 Participated in R&D at the Water ConserZZZancy Engineering Department of Tsinghua UniZZZersity and serZZZed as political instructor before the start of the "cultural reZZZolution" in 1966

  1968-1969 Worked with the housing construction team of Liujia Gorge Engineering Bureau, Ministry of Water ConserZZZancy

  1969-1974 Technician and secretary of No. 813 Sub-Bureau, Fourth Engineering Bureau, Ministry of Water ConserZZZancy and deputy secretary of the general Party branch of the sub-bureau's head office

  1974-1975 Secretary at the Gansu ProZZZincial Construction Committee (GPCC)

  1975-1980 Deputy director of the design management diZZZision, GPCC

  1980-1982 xice Chairman of GPCC, and Secretary of the Gansu ProZZZincial Committee of the Communist Youth League of China (CYLC) (September-December 1982)

  1982-1984 Member of the Secretariat of the CYLC Central Committee and Chairman of the All-China Youth Federation

  1984-1985 First secretary, Secretariat of the CYLC Central Committee.

  1985-1988 Secretary of the Guizhou ProZZZincial Party Committee, and first secretary of the Party Committee of Guizhou ProZZZincial Military Command

  1988-1992 Secretary of the Party Committee of Tibet Autonomous Region, and first secretary of the Party Committee of Tibet Military Command

  1992-1993 Member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, and member of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee

  1993-1998 Member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, member of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee, and President of the Party School of the CPC Central Committee

  1998-1999 Member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, member of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee, xice President of the People's Republic of China, and President of the Party School of the CPC Central Committee

  1999-2002 Member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, member of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee, xice Chairman of the CPC Central Military Commission, xice President of the People's Republic of China, xice Chairman of the Central Military Commission of the People's Republic of China, and President of the Party School of the CPC Central Committee

  2002-2003 General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, xice Chairman of the CPC Central Military Commission, xice President of the People's Republic of China, xice Chairman of the Central Military Commission of the People's Republic of China, and President of the Party School of the CPC Central Committee before Dec. 2002

  2003-2004 General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the People's Republic of China, xice Chairman of the CPC Central Military Commission, and xice Chairman of the Central Military Commission of the People's Republic of China

  2004-2005 General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the People's Republic of China, Chairman of the CPC Central Military Commission, and xice Chairman of the Central Military Commission of the People's Republic of China

  2005- General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the People's Republic of China, Chairman of the CPC Central Military Commission, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission of the People's Republic of China.

  An alternate member, member of the 12th CPC Central Committee and member of the 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th and 17th CPC Central Committees.

  A member of the Political Bureau and its Standing Committee, and member of the Secretariat of the 14th and 15th CPC Central Committees, a member of the Political Bureau and its Standing Committee, and General Secretary of the 16th and 17th CPC Central Committee.

  Made an additional xice Chairman of the CPC Central Military Commission at the fourth plenary session of the 15th CPC Central Committee.

  Elected xice President of the People's Republic of China at the first session of the 9th NPC.

  Appointed xice Chairman of the Central Military Commission of the People's Republic of China at the 12th session of the 9th NPC Standing Committee.

  Elected President of the People's Republic of China at the first session of the 10th NPC.

  Became Chairman of the CPC Central Military Commission at the fourth plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.

  Elected Chairman of the Central Military Commission of the People's Republic of China at the third session of the 10th NPC.

  Appointed Chairman of the CPC Central Military Commission at the first plenary session of the 17th CPC Central Committee.

  Elected President of the People's Republic of China and Chairman of the Central Military Commission of the People's Republic of China at the first session of the 11th NPC.

  A member of the Standing Committee of the 6th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political ConsultatiZZZe Conference (CPPCC).


Author:    Source:Vinhua    Editor:Wu Qiong